Photography: Mirjana Đorđević
Photography: Mirjana Đorđević

2100: A Tale of Aska is set in the (not so) distant year of 2100, when white colour is forbidden, and clean air is just a memory. Welcome to your future!
Imagine a world in which art is forbidden as a useless activity, the world which recognizes only #workstudy… In that world, a group of young people create their Roofage, a space of sense and freedom, where one can hear and perform important Tales, among which also Aska and the Wolf. In the Roofage, they learn from one another about the importance of solidarity and comradery, and that never, not even in that future world of devastation and alienation, is it too late for hope. 
And for rebellion.

Follow-up discussion will take place after the performance.