Photography: Vesna Pavlović (Polyphony 2000)  
Photography: Vesna Pavlović (Polyphony 2000)  

For over two decades, Bitef Polyphony has been gathering people focused on theatre for young people, created through activities, workshops, and young people’s needs. The adjective polyphony is more and more ascribed to their practices; the participants spontaneously develop understanding while they experiment, make mistakes, start, test, ask, open, grow up, while they push the boundaries of their artistic activities in new social spheres. The scope of this adjective should be studied: what do we have in mind when we call something “polyphony”? Are all thus described theatre practices for young people? Why (not)? What do they bring/take away? To/from whom? Do they belong exclusively to young people?

Authors, young participants and representatives of the young audience at Bitef Polyphony will also take part in the dialogue.